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Your senses urge you to move.

You tilt your head and an arrow whizzez by nicking your ear.

You're overwhelmed with a feeling of danger. You alert your party with a shout.

The twang of bowstrings fills the air.

Roll to dodge first wave of arrows :
8/12 dodge the arrow
4/12 get hit



You twist your arms for balance and lean back, just a little too slowly.

One arrow flies by with a silent whoosh, the other hits your shoulder.

Roll to dodge Second wave of arrows :
7/12 dodge the arrows
5/12 get hit



You twist your arms for balance and lean back.

Two more arrows fly with a silent whoosh, missing your shoulders.

Roll to dodge second wave of arrows :
7/12 dodge the arrows
5/12 get hit



You lose your footing trying to launch yourself backwards to the ground twirling.

An arrow pierces your leg, another nicks your cheek.

Roll to dodge third wave of arrows :

6/12 dodge the arrows
6/12 get hit



You launch yourself backwards to the ground twirling at an angle.

An arrow nicks your leg, another your cheek.

Roll to dodge third wave of arrows :
6/12 dodge the arrows
6/12 get hit



You kick both legs into the air, almost slipping, hold your arms to your sides and twirl at an angle, wobbling.
An arrow pierces your leg, another nicks your cheek. To top it off, the pain in your shoulder burns.

Roll to dodge third wave of arrows :
6/12 dodge the arrows
6/12 get hit



You kick both legs into the air, hold your arms to your sides and twirl at an angle.
An arrow nicks your leg, another your cheek. The pain in your shoulder burns.

Roll to dodge third wave of arrows :
6/12 dodge the arrows
6/12 get hit



You fall twisting to the ground.

You kick yourself up, but land unsteadily on your feet after sinking in the mud trying.

An arrow hits the ground behind you, the other pierces your side.



You fall twisting to the ground.

You kick yourself up into an upright position.

Two arrows hit the ground behind you.



You fall on your back. You push up with your hands. They sink into mud. You bring your legs back and kick up into a standing position unsteadily. An arrow pierces your side. The pain in your leg starts to burn.



You fall on your back. You push up with both hands, bring your legs back and kick up into a standing position. An arrow hits the ground behind you. The pain in your leg starts to burn.

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